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Guided visit to "Vacations with Franco. My summers in Franco's Spain" With Monika Anselment and Cristina Masanés

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Bòlit_StNicolau
Plaça de Santa Llúcia 1
17007 Girona
Price: Free event
Guided tour

In 1951, the one-millionth tourist arrived in Spanish territory. In the same year, the first ambassador of the United States also arrived. Thus began an alliance between tourism, Francoism, and capitalism that continues to this day. For American geopolitical strategy and the middle class from central and northern Europe, a cheap paradise of sun and beaches was opening up. For Francoism, the tourism boom brought wealth and modernity. This inaugurated a productive model that allowed a few to extract the maximum profit and then move it to tax havens. A model still in force.

This exhibition recovers the perspective of those who, as children, came to enjoy sun and beach tourism, unaware of the social reality of their leisure destination.

Visita guiada “Vacances amb Franco” Amb Monika Anselment i Cristina Masanés